Surviving the Summer Slump: Tips for Your Social Media Networks

Summer can be a slow news period for the nonprofit sector. But when the Fall comes, organizations will be hosting events, launching campaigns and kicking off fundraisers. Here are three tips to keep your social media networks engaged during the summer months to set your organization up for a strong Fall season.

Tip #1: Revisit Your Analytics

Summer is an ideal time to review your social media analytics, pinpoint growth opportunities, plan new content, and reshare your most popular posts. Explore social media platform analytics and tools such as Google Analytics, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social to gain insights that can shape your strategy for the remainder of the year.

For example, when reviewing the LinkedIn analytics for Asibey client Leading Forward, the top performing posts in the past six months were:

  • Shared articles or blog posts

  • Posts that included and tagged the author

  • Posts that used #nonprofit or #nonprofits hashtags

As Leading Forward looks ahead to the summer, its social media strategy will continue to champion people in its network, integrate relevant hashtags, and share important resources.


Tip #2: Get Creative with Your Content

The summer months may be slow for fresh content, making it the perfect time to get creative with existing content! Your social strategy could involve repurposing posts that performed well in the past or finding opportunities to share unposted content. 

You can also repurpose a large body of work, like reports, in various ways. The Cricket Island Foundation is preparing to release a report highlighting their lessons learned in one of their programs. To support it, we are creating an editorial calendar that will repurpose pull quotes, interviews, and information from the report throughout the summer.

Use tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to refresh old visuals or turn written content into engaging infographics. Additionally, explore emerging AI options, like CopyAi and Anyword, to support your content creation.


Tip #3: Find Opportunities to Collaborate with Partners

Time and again, the best-performing social media posts involve collaboration. For example, one of Asibey Consulting’s best-performing LinkedIn posts was in partnership with Leadership Fellows New York.

Collaborative posts allow you to draw in networks outside of your direct audience. To keep engagement up in the summer, think of ways to connect with people in your network. Take the opportunity to reflect on an insightful conversation from earlier in the year and share a video/picture to reignite engagement.

By implementing these tips, you can maintain and even boost your social media engagement during the slower summer months. Revisiting your analytics, getting creative with your content, and seeking collaboration opportunities can ensure your social media presence remains fresh and impactful. The summer slowdown is also a chance to innovate and connect deeply with your audience. Take advantage of this period to refine your strategies and set the stage for the rest of the year!

This article was written by Kayla Wood. For more insight on topics ranging from social media strategy to Asibey’s consulting work, follow our LinkedIn page.

Edith Asibey